Bacon Nuggets
If you would like to add in some chopped or shredded veggies or mince meat, mix them in the fish paste first before spreading on the bacon. Do not put it too much fish paste as it will expand and the bacon will shrink a little when cooked, then the bacon may burst open - not very nice visually. ;)
After that, pan fry it with the ends of the bacon facing down on low to medium fire and don't add oil. Once the ends of the bacon had 'stick' together, turn to other sides and continue cooking till the fish paste is cooked.
Alternatively, you may want to steam it first before pan frying it. It's faster to cook and healthier too. But do remember to use toothpick to hold the bacon together.
Before serving, dab the bacon nuggets with paper towels to remove excess oil. And there you have it, Bacon Nuggets. Enjoy!
Pan Grilled Bacon rolled Prawns
First, you have to shell your prawns. The head and shells can be retained to make Laksa. Then pierce a wooden skewer through the prawn from the tail-end. Oh, and please remember to wet the wooden skewer first. This is to prevent it from burning during the grilling process.
Next, wrap a bacon from the tail-end with the fatty part of the bacon 'outside'. Overlap the bacon a little and continue wrapping till the whole prawn is covered. Tuck the loose end of the bacon in. If you have no idea how to do it, just use a toothpick to secure. Likewise, wet the toothpick first before use. You can season with some ground black pepper and set them to grill till cooked. Remove the toothpick and serve.
If you have the time, the best way to do this is to partially cook the bacon first. It should not be brown; just cooked. This should take about less than 1 minute. Let it cool then starts with the wrapping. This is to ensure that the prawn that is wrapped inside will not be over cooked and become dried. You can use this method too if you are not using large prawns.
You can also do this using the oven if you like. I haven't seen the grilled marks on my food for a long time so I'm using the grill pan this time. ;)
Try some for the weekends. Enjoy!
Roast Chicken with Bacon
- 2 Large Chicken Drumstick
- 4 slices Streaky Bacon
- 3 glove Garlic, crashed with skin on
- 2 slices Lemon
How to do it:
- Place a slice of lemon on the chicken.
- Wrap a slice of streaky bacon slightly tight starting from the joint part with the fatty part of the bacon should be 'outside'.
- Overlap the bacon a little so you don't see the chicken.
- Place the chicken in a oven proof dish with the loose end bacon placed down.
- Scatter the garlic around.
- Roast the chicken in a preheated oven at 220C for 15 minutes.
- Reduce the temperature to 170C and continuing roasting for another 40 minutes or till thoroughly cooked.
- Serve.
Ladies' Finger with Back Bacon Rolls
Ingredients: - Back Bacon
- Ladies Finger, top removed and blanched
- Oil for frying
How to do it:
- Saute the back bacon on both sides with a little oil.
- Wrap the ladies finger with the bacon.
- Secure with a toothpick.
- Return to pan to pan fried till slightly brown.
- Dish and serve.
- I used Back Bacon instead of Streaky Bacon because it got more meat.
- No seasonings required as Back Bacon is slightly saltish.
Scallop Bacon Wraps
- Bacon, sliced into 2 width-wise (My scallop is small lah ^_-)
- Scallops
How to do it:
- Saute the bacon for about 1 minute.
- Remove.
- Take a scallop and use the bacon cooked earlier to wrap around the scallop.
- Pierce a toothpick thru the bacon and scallop to hold them together.
- Bring it to the pan you use to saute the bacon earlier.
- Cook each side of the bacon for about 5 mins each (longer for bigger scallop)
- Add a bit of oil if necessary.
- Remove and serve. Remember to remove the toothpick.
- No seasoning required as bacon is already salty.
- Make sure the bacon is of the same height or lower than the scallop when wrapping them. That is when you need to slice them into half.
- Wet you toothpick first before you use them. This is to prevent your toothpick for getting burned or catching fire because oil is involved.
Asparagus with Bacon
Ingredients: - 8 asparagus
- 4 pieces of bacon
- Cornflour
- Tomato sauce
How to do it:
- Cut the ends of the asparagus stems and skin the asparagus
- Cut the bacon into half and wind the bacon around the asparagus.
- Use a toothpick to hold the bacon.
- Dust with cornflour.
- Pan-fried on a non-stick pan till the bacon is cook or brown.
- Serve with some tomato sauce.
Hope this works. Wish me luck!
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