Moroccan Apricot Chicken

Ingredients: (serves 4)
1/2 Cup Cornflour
8 Pieces Skinless Chicken Cutlets, trimmed
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Large Brown Onion, peeled, cut into thin wedges
2 Garlic Cloves, crushed
1 Tablespoon Moroccan Seasoning
400ml Can Apricot Nectar
1/2 Cup Dried Apricots
1/3 Cup Flat-leaf Parsley Leaves, chopped
1/4 Cup Roasted Cashew Nut(optional)
1. Place flour, salt and pepper in a plastic bag and mixed well. Lightly coat chicken pieces in seasoned flour, shaking off excess.
2. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a deep, large heavy-based frying pan over medium heat.
3. Cook chicken, in batches for 2 to 3 minutes each side or until golden brown. Transfer to a plate, repeat with remaining chicken and oil, cover and set aside.
4. Add onion and garlic to frying pan, cook and stir occasionally for 3-4 minutes or until tender.
5. Sprinkle Moroccan seasoning over onion and stir until well combined.
6. Stir in apricot nectar, bring to the boil and reduce heat to low. Return the chicken to frying pan.
7. Add apricot and cover and cook for 20 minutes in low heat. Stir on and off to prevent the sauce from drying out. If the sauce dry up too fast before the chicken is done, add 50ml more of water.
8. Cook until chicken is cooked through and sauce has thickened.
9. Next sprinkle some chopped parsley and roasted cashew nut on top before sever.
Notes: If you don't have Apricot Nectar and Moroccan Seasoning, please refer to the recipe below.
Apricot Nectar
1 Can Of Apricot In syrup(about 825g)
1. Blend the apricot with some of it's syrup in a blend until smooth to produce about 450ml of apricot puree.
Moroccan Seasoning Mix
Ingredients:(make 8 tablespoons)
5 Teaspoons Nutmeg
5 Teaspoons Ground Cumin
5 Teaspoons Ground Coriander
2 1/2 Teaspoons Ground All Spice
2 1/2 Teaspoons Ground Ginger
1 1/4 Teaspoons Cayenne Pepper
1 1/4 Teaspoons Ground Cinnamon
1. Place all the spices in a food processor and blend well.
2. You can store the blended spice in an air-tigh container in the fridge.
Notes: You can used either Drumsticks, Chicken Thigh on Bone or Marylands for this recipe
White Fungus & Wooden Ear Soup

Wooden Ear(黑木耳): This contain much protein, carotene, vitamins A & B. It also improves blood circulation, benefits the spleen, moisturizes the lungs.
White Fungus(雪耳): It tastes slightly sweet and of neutral nature. It benefits the spleen, strengthens the stomach and expel Dryness. It calms the spirit, treats insomnia and is good for the body type that resists beneficial food.
Red Date(红枣): It is a blood tonic which can be widely used with other ingredients to nourish the body.
This soup helps to prevent blood vessel blockage, reduce cholesterol level, reduce blood pressure, avoids stroke and arteriosclerosis. Other then that it also helps reduce spot appearance, cleanse and moisturize the skin.
2 Chicken Drumstick, removed skin
2 Pieces Of Wooden Ear(黑木耳), about 40g
1 Pieces Of White Fungus(雪耳), about 10g
10 – 12 Red Dates(红枣)
1 Tablespoon Ji Zi(枸杞子)
3 Slices Ginger(老姜)
1. Soak white fungus and wooden ear in water until soft.
2. Remove the stems, rinse well and tear into small pieces and scald then set aside.
3. Rinse and scald the chicken.
4. Crush the red dates with flat side of knife, remove the seeds and rinse well.
5. Boil 1.5 – 2 Litres of water to boil, then add in all the ingredients and boil for 10 minutes.
6. Transfer to a slow cooker and simmer on low heat for about 3 – 4 hours.
7. Season with salt and serve.
Notes: You can either used Chicken or Lean Pork for this recipe
Steam Red Date Meat Dumpling

Ingredients:(make about 8 - 9 dumplings)
8 - 9 Red Dates, soak in warm water
150g Pork Mince
2 - 3 Water Chestnuts, finely grated
3cm Carrot, finely grated
8-9 Pieces Of Wanton Wrapper
1/2 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
1 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
1 Teaspoon Corn Flour
1 Teaspoon Cooking Wine
1/2 Teaspoon Pepper
2cm Young Ginger, finely grated
Some Spring Onion & Coriander, finely chopped
1 Teaspoon Garlic, finely minced
1 Tablespoon Oyster Sauce
100ml Water
Some Cornstarch Water
1. Marinate the pork minced with seasonings, water chestnut and carrot then set aside in the fridge for at least 20 minutes.
2. Soak the red dates in warm water for about 30 minutes then give a small cut at the top area for the fragrant to infuse to the meat dumpling later.
3. Wrap about 1/2 Tablespoon of marinated meat with the wanton wrapper then top with a Red Date in the middle and place in the plate.
4. Repeat the above process until all the meat and red dates are used up.
5. Steam the meat dumpling in medium heat for about 10 minutes then remove and set aside while preparing the sauce.
6. Heat up a small pan with some oil and stir-fry the garlic until fragrant then add in oyster sauce and water.
7. Thicken with some corn starch water and pour over to the steam meat dumplings.
Notes: If you don't prefer oyster sauce, you can used chicken stock and thicken it with some cornstarch water then pour over to the meat dumplings and serve.
Mini Buddha Jump Over Wall

3 Dried Ginseng
2 Stalk Dang Shen(当参)
3 Dried Scallops
5 Dried Oysters
4 Slices Of Dang Gui(当归)
3 Slices Of Sea Conch(响螺片)
3 Slices Of Huai Shan(淮山)
5 Red Dates(红枣)
1 Tablespoon Jizi(枸杞子)
1 Dried Mushroom
2 Chicken Drumsticks
300g Pork Ribs
2 Medium Sea Cucumber
1. Wash and soak dried oysters and scallop in hot water until soft, then rinse well.
2. Wash all the rest of the herbs and set aside for later use.
3. Wash and blanched the pork ribs and chicken in boiling water then rinse well.
4. Bring a pot of water(about 1.5 litres) to boil then add in all the herbs, chicken and pork ribs and bring to boil again.
5. Wash the sea cucumber and cut into thick section then set aside.
6. Transfer to a slow cooker and simmer on low heat for about 3 - 4 hours then add in the sea cucumber and continue to simmer for another 30 minutes.
7. Season with salt to taste and serve.
Kaffir Lime Leave Chicken

1/2 Portion Of Chicken, cut into bite size
2 Tablespoons Of Kecap Manis
4 Pieces Of Kaffir Lime Leave, shredded 2 leaves
1 Tablespoon Of Oil
Sauce Spices
3 Candle Nuts (buah keras), pound into powder
1 Teaspoon Coriander Powder
1cm Fresh Ginger, finely grated
5 Shallots, peeled and finely chopped
1 red chilli, peeled and finely chopped
1. Heat the oil in a non-stick pan, stir fry all the spices ingredients and the kaffir lime leaves until fragrant.
2. Add chicken and stir-fry for another 2 - 3 minutes or until slightly brown.
3. Pour in the kecap manis, allow to caramelise then add in about 50ml of water and cook until the chicken is tender.
4. Garnish it with extra shredded Kaffir Lime Leaves and Chillies and serve with rice.
Notes: You can also used chicken fillets or any other parts of the chicken for this dish.
Kecap Manis can be found in any local supermarket like NTUC or Cold Storage under the sauce department
Mushroom & Pork Mince Rice

150g Pork Mince
1 Box Of Button Mushroom, thinly sliced
½ Brown Onion, finely chopped
2 Tablespoons Of Dried Whitebaits
50ml Rice Wine/Water
2 Bowl Of Cooked White Rice
1. Marinate the pork mince with some pepper, light & dark soya sauce, cornflour and sesame oil then set aside for later use.
2. Wash the Dried Whitebaits and drained well then use some kitchen paper towel to absord the water.
3. Add about 1/2 Tablespoon of oil in a non-stick pan the stir-fry the whitebaits until golden brown. Season with some salt and suagr for taste.
4. Heat up another 1 Tablespoon of oil in the pan, add in the chopped onion and saute until it's became soft and slightly brown then add in the pork mince.
5. Stir-fry until it's fragrant and almost done then add the button mushroom and stir for another 2 minutes then pour in Rice Wine or Water and continue to simmer until sauce thicken.
6. Dish up and place ontop of the rice, top with cripsy Dried Whitebaits, egg or etc and serve
Ginseng Honey Tea

American Ginseng(花旗参): It is sweet in taste, with a hint of bitterness and cool in nature. It nourishes the Yin energy in the lungs, clears Asthenic Fire, benefit the Stomach and promotes secretion of body fluid. It mainly treats Dryness of Lungs and Stomach and dire thirst and Qi, therefore strengthens the internal organs.
Dried Longan(桂圆肉): Tastes sweet and of neutral nature. It nourishes the heart and the spleen, benefits bloods and calms the spirit. It works well for treating tensions, palpitation, insomnia and forgetfulness.
Ingredients: (server 1)
10-12 Slices Of American Ginseng(花旗参)
8 Dried Longan (桂圆肉)
½ Tablespoon Honey(蜂蜜)
300ml Boiling Water
1. Soak the American Ginseng and Dried Longan in hot water for 1-2 minutes then drain.
2. Put all the ingredients except honey in a small double-boiler pot in a slow-cooker and double-boiled for about 2 hours on low heat.
3. Add in honey then continue to double-boiled for another 15 minutes and serve warm before bedtime.
Notes: When taking this drink it is best that you don't eat any dish or soup that contain raddish or beans for 1 - 2 days, because chinese belived that raddish will drain and absord all the good source from the Ginseng
Chicken Soup With Conch & Huai Shan

1/2 Portion Of Chicken
4-5 Slices Of Dried Sea Conch(响螺片)
1 Section Of Fresh Huai Shan(淮山), abt 15cm
1 Tablespoon Qizi (枸杞子)
10g Dried Longans(桂圆肉)
2 Slices Ginger(老姜片)
1.5 Litres Water
1. Clean chicken and remove the lungs and parts of those oil and skins.
2. Scald chicken and conch separately and rinse with cold water and drain.
3. Wash and peel then fresh huai shan then cut into thick section.
4. Put water and ingredients in a pot and bring to the boil.
5. Turn to low heat and simmer for 3 hours and serve.
6. Or you can transfer it to a slow-cooker on High heat for 1 hour then switch to Low heat for another 2 - 3hrs.
Note: You can get dried sea conch from Chinese medical hall or stall selling those dried provision in the wet market.
Hawaiian Pork Chop

4 Large Pork Chops With Bone
1 Small Can of Pineapple Pieces In Syrup, drained
100g Shaved Ham, roughly chopped
2 Teaspoons Dried Oregano/Italian Herbs
2 Medium Tomatoes, finely chopped
1 Cup Grated Cheese
Green Salad, to serve
2-4 Baked Corns
1. Preheat oven to 200 degree, place chops into a large ovenproof baking dish.
2. Drained the pineapple pieces and finely chopped.
3. Mix together the pineapple, ham, dried herbs, tomatoes, salt and pepper.
4. Spoon mixture onto chops and sprinkle with some cheese.
5. Baked chops for 25 - 30 minutes depend on the thickness or until cooked through.
6. Serve with salad, fries, baked corns or etc.....
Notes: Wash and clean the corn, spread some butter on it and wrap with foil then bake together with the chops until done
Honey Chicken

1 Teaspoon Chicken Seasoning Powder
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper
500g Chicken Wings/Chicken Pieces
1/2 Cup Corn Flour
Oil For Deep-frying
2 Teaspoons Oil
1 cm Ginger, shredded
Some Spring Onion, Shredded
Some Lemon Skin, Shredded
1 Chicken Stock Cube
2 Tablespoons Honey
4 Tablespoons Water
1 Teaspoon Corn Flour
1. Season chicken in chicken seasoning powder and pepper then set aside for at least 10 minutes.
2. Coat chicken pieces evenly with corn flour then deep-fry in hot oil for about 8 minutes or cook through then drain.
3. Heat 2 Tablespoons oil in wok, fry ginger for 1 minute then add sauce ingredients and cook until thickened then return the chicken pieces to the pan, mix well and serve.
4. You can sprinkle with some shredded spring onion and lemon to enhance the favour
Lotus, Black Bean & Peanut Soup

$3 - $4 Of Pork Ribs
2 Sections Of Fresh Lotus root, about 600g
100g Peanuts
50g Black Bean
4 - 5 Red Dates
1/2 Tablespoon Jizi
1 Small Cuttlefish
1.5 - 2 Litres Of Water
1. Wash and soak the cuttlefish till soft then cut into thick strips.
2. Wash and scaled the pork ribs in boiling water then rinse well.
3. Wash and cut the fresh lotus roots into thin slices and set aside.
4. Wash both the peanuts and black bean then soak in warm water for a while. Drain and set aside.
5. Put all the ingredients in a pot, add suitable amount of water and bring to boil.
6. Turn to medium-low heat and boil for 3 hours, sprinkle some salt to taste and serve.
7. Or you can cook on slow-cooker for 1 hour high heat and 2 - 3 hours low heat
Fish Soup With Tian Ma

Tian Ma(天麻): It’s shops pain and calms the spirits and it’s also good for treating pain in the waist, head and joints.
Red Dates(红枣): It’s a blood tonic and can be used widely with other ingredients to nourish the body.
Dang Gui(当归): It tastes sweet hot and of warm nature. It benefits and balances the blood, regulates menses, treats pain and soothes the intestine.
Ginger(老姜): When the ingredients or the drinkers body are of cold nature, use a few slices of mature ginger to expel and prevent Coldness.
Ingredients: (serves 2)
$2 - $3 Of Sheng Yu Slices(生鱼片)
4-5 Slices Of Tian Ma(天麻)
4 Slices Of Dang Gui(当归)
4 Red Dates (红枣)
4 Black Dates (黑枣)
1 Teaspoon Ji Zi (枸杞子)
2 Slices Of Ginger (老姜)
¼ Teaspoon Salt
1 Tablespoon Rice Wine(米酒)
1. Wash the fish. Blanched in hot water then place it in a stewing pot.
2. Add all the herbs and suitable amount of water (about 2 rice bowl) then double boiled it for about 1.5 hours.
3. Remove and add in seasoning and serve hot with rice.
Notes: You can used other fish like sea bass.
Mango, Cucumber & Apple Salsa

1 Mango
1 Japanese Cucumber
1 Medium Tomatoe, remove seeds
1 Apple
1 Shallot, finely chopped
2 - 3 Tablespoons Of Plain Yoghurt
1 Teaspoon Of Sugar
1 Teaspoon Of Lemon Juice
Some Grated Lemon Rinds
1. Cut all the fruits and vegetables into small cubes then mix together with the seasonings and set aside in the fridge for later used. You can prepared this about 1 - 2 hour ahead
Tandoori Chicken With Mango Salsa

1/2 Chicken + 2 Drumsticks
3 Tablespoons Sharwood's Tandoori Spice Mix
3-4 Tablespoons Plain Yoghurt
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon vinegar
Some Lemon Peels
1. Remove the skin and visible fat from chicken drumsticks and make a few diagonal cuts on the thicker parts to allow for even cooking and the marinade to penetrate.
2. To prepare the marinade, combine all the above together in a large bowl and coat the chicken pieces with it.
3. Ensure that they are well coated with the marinade, transfer the chicken into a clean roomy plastic bag or container and set aside in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours.(usually I prepare it in the morning and grill in the evening)
4. Preheat the top grill to the highest temperature around 200 - 220 degree.
5. Arrange the chicken and marinade in a baking dish and grill for about 15 minutes on each side or until the chicken is browned and cooked through.
6. Sever hot with rice, naan or prata together with some fruit or vegetables salsa.Mango, Cucumber and Apple Salsa.
1 Mango
1 Japanese Cucumber
1 Medium Tomatoe, remove seeds
1 Apple
1 Shallot, finely chopped
2 - 3 Tablespoons Of Plain Yoghurt
1 Teaspoon Of Sugar
1 Teaspoon Of Lemon Juice
Some Grated Lemon Rinds
1. Cut all the fruits and vegetables into small cubes then mix together with the seasonings and set aside in the fridge for later used. You can prepared this about 1 - 2 hour ahead
Prawn Sambal Spare Ribs

600g Spare Ribs(abt 16 2” pieces)
1 Teaspoon Chopped Shallot
1 Tablespoon Chopped Garlic
1 Tablespoon Chopped Spring Onion
150ml Chicken Broth/Water
½ Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
1 Teaspoon Of Sugar
1 Tablespoon Custard Powder
1 Tablespoon Cornstarch
1 Egg White
½ Teaspoon Salt
1 Tablespoon Sugar
3-4 Teaspoon Bottle Prawn Sambal
2 Tablespoons Oyster Sauce
1. Wash and drain the spare ribs then mix with marinade and marinate for at least 30 minutes.
2. Coat the marinated ribs with some cornstarch and deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown, remove and drained.
3. Preheat a pan with about 1 Tablespoon of oil and add in the chopped shallot and garlic and stir-fry till fragrant.
4. Pour in chicken broth and seasonings, cook over high heat until the sauce is thicken.
5. Blend in pre-fried spare rib pieces and keep stirring until the rib pieces are well coated with the sauce.
6. Remove from the heat, sprinkler with chopped spring onion and serve hot
Sweet Corn, Carrot & Potato Soup

Stir-fry Pork Liver With Rice Wine

$2 - $3 Of Pork Liver
2 – 3 Stalks Of Spring Onion
½ Brown Onion
3 Slices Of Ginger, shredded
Some Red Dates and Jizi
½ Cup Rice Wine
2 Tablespoons Of Sesame Oil
1 Tablespoon Dark Soy Sauce
Salt To Taste
1 ½ Tablespoons Cornstarch Water
1. Rub the pork liver with 1 to 2 Tablespoons of cornflour before washing it.
2. Sliced the pork liver thinly and set aside for later use.
3. Cut the spring Onion into 3 sections, then cut the brown onion into thick slices.
4. Soaked the red dates and jizi in warm water for about 5 minutes then set aside.
5. Preheat a pan or a claypot then add in the sesame oil, stir-fry the ginger and brown onion until fragrant then add in the red dates and jizi.
6. Continue to stir-fry for a few seconds then add in the pork liver and some spring onion sections.
7. Do a quick stir then add in the dark soy sauce and Rice Wine.
8. When the sauce starts to boil, stir in some cornstarch water then mix till slightly thicken.
9. Switch off the heat and add in the salt and extra spring onion and serve.
Notes: If you do not have rice wine, you can replace it with water.You can also used the same methods and ingredients to make Stir-fry Chicken With Rice Wine. For the above ingredients, you can cook around 3 drumsticks or 1/2 Chicken.

Fishball and Chinese Cabbage Soup

1 Pack of Fishball
6-8 Crabsticks
1 Small Carrot, cut into cubes
1 Tube Of Silken Doufu, cut into section
150g Pork Minced
Some Chinese Cabbage, Shredded
2 Slices Of Gingers
2 Cloves Garlic
1. Wash the shredded Chinese cabbage and drained well.
2. Add some oil in a pot, add in the ginger and garlic and stir-fry till fragrant then add in the carrot and Chinese cabbage.
3. Stir for a while then cover and let it simmer for a few minutes then add in suitable amount of water and bring to boil.
4. When the soup is boil, add in pork minced and simmer for another 10 minutes then add in the rest of the ingredients and season with salt or stock cubes to taste
Pumpkin And Kelp Soup

350g Pumpkin
100g Kelp
300g Lean Pork
1. Peel and seed the pumpkin then cut into thick pieces.
2. Soak the kelp in water until soft, wash and cut into sections.
3. Wash, blanched lean pork in boiling water then rinse well.
4. Bring suitable amount of water(abt 1.5 litres) of water to boil, then put in all the ingredients.
5. Cook over high heat for until boil then reduce to low heat and simmer for about 1 hour or you can transfer it to slow-cooker and simmer on low heat for 1.5 hrs.
6. Season with salt and serve.
Kelp contains nearly thirty minerals which nourish the glands, especially the thyroid and pituitary. It helps balance the body's metabolism and rate at which it burns calories. Kelp, also known as seaweed, grows in the rich ocean beds, far below surface pollution levels. Because of its high nutrient content, this herb is reputedly beneficial for a wide range of applications. It is known to nourish the sensory nerves, brain membranes, also spinal cord and brain tissue.
Dang Gui Chicken Soup

Dang Gui(当归): It benefits and balances the blood, regulates menses, treats pain and soothes the intestines.
Huai Shan(淮山): Strengthens spleen and supplements lungs, stabilized kidneys and benefits energy, it also improves weak spleen and stomach, weak lungs and long coughing, uplifts the spirit and benefits Qi.
Dang Shen(当参): It supplements energy and benefits sprits, grows saliva ad stops thirst. It also strengthens body and stomach, improves fatigue and tiredness, dry mouth and tongue.
Bei Qi(北耆): It strengthens the heat, promotes urination, lowers blood pressure and boosts the immune system.
3-4 Chicken Drumsticks, skin removed
1 Medium Size Fresh Huai Shan(淮山)
4 Slices Of DangGui(当归)
6 Red Dates(红枣), seeds removed
3 Pieces Of BiQi(北耆), cut into half
3 Pieces of Dang Shen(当参), cut into half
1 Tablespoon Of QiZi(杞子)
1. Wash and removed the skin of the chicken drumstick then blanched in boiling water and rinse well.
2. Wash and peel the skin of the fresh huai shan and cut into about 2” sections.
3. Bring 1.5 litre of water to boil and at the meantime, wash and drained the rest of the herbs.
4. When the water boiled, add in all the ingredients and bring to boil again.
5. You can either transfer to slow cooker and simmer on low heat for about 2 hours or you can simmer on the stove under low heat for 1 hour.
Notes: If you don't have fresh huai shan, you can replaced it with about 5 pieces of dried huai shan.
Honeysuckle & Loquat Soup

20g Honeysuckle(金银花)
20g Hang Chrysanthemums(杭菊)
4-6 Loquats, depending on the size(枇杷果)
10-12 Water Chestnuts, depending on the size(马蹄)
6-8 Candied Dates(蜜枣)
1. Wash honeysuckle and Hang Chrysanthemums.
2. Wash and peel loquats then cut into halves or leave it as whole.
3. Peel water chestnuts and wash.
4. Wash candied dates.
5. Bring suitable amount of water(about 1.5 - 2 litres) to boil.
6. Add all ingredients and bring to boil again then simmer on low heat for about 1 hour and serve
Ginseng Chicken Soup With Glutinous Rice

1 Small Spring Chicken(around 1 - 1.2kg)
5 Red Dates, seeds removed
1 Fresh Ginseng or 2 Dried Ginseng
38g Glutinous Rice
2 Tablespoon Of Rice Wine
12-15 Cups Water, depend on the size of the chicken
1. Wash and gut chicken the rinse well.
2. Drain off the water and marinate the chicken with the rice wine and set aside for about 5 minutes.
3. Wash and drain glutinous rice.
4. Put all the ingredients into a pot, bring to boil over high heat.
5. Transfer the soup to a slow cooker and simmer on low heat for about 2 hours and season with salt to taste
Pad Thai Noodles

1 Packet Thai Pad Thai Noodles SpicePaste
3 Tablespoons vegetable oil
250g Prawns, removed shell and devined
1 Egg
200g Fresh Thin Rice Noodles
100g (½ cup) Fresh Bean Sprouts
1 Piece Of Firm Beancurd, cut into small cubes
3 Tablespoons Crushed Peanuts
1 Lime Wedges, cut into slices as garnish
2-3 Stalks Of Chives/Spring Onions, cut into section as garnish
1. Heat 1 Tablespoon of oil in non-stick wok or pan on medium heat, add in the cubes beancurd and fry until golden brown then removed and set aside.
2. Add the reminding oil and switch to high heat then add prawn and stir fry for 1 minute.
3. Add egg scramble it and cook for 1 minute.
4. Add noodles and SpicePaste, stir fry for 3 minutes or until fairly dry.(you can add some hot water if you think is too dry)
5. Add in beancurd and chives then sprinkle with some crushed peanuts and mixed well then dish up.
6. Clean and heat up the pan then drizzle with some oil and stir-fry the bean sprouts with high heat for a few second then drizzle with some cooking wine, dish up and scattler around the noodles.
7. Garnish the noodles with the remianing peanuts, lime wedges, some dried shallot and serve hot.
Notes: If you can't get hold of fresh thin rice noodles, you can replaced it with those packet dried rice noodles and cooked according to the packet instruction
Lotus Root, Water Chestnut & Loquat Soup

380g Lotus Root(莲藕)
250g Water Chestnuts(马蹄)
3 Chinese Pears(鸭梨 )
4-5 Loquats(枇杷果)
3-4 Candied Dates(蜜枣)
$2 Lean Pork(ard 225g)
1. Wash and peel lotus roots, rinse then cut into pieces.
2. Peel water chestnuts and wash.
3. Wash pears and cut into pieces.
4. Peel Loquats, cut a 1 or 2 of it into halves.
5. Rinse candied dates.
6. Wash lean pork, scald and rinse with water.
7. Brig suitable amount of water to boil, add all ingredients and bring to boil.
8. Transfer the soup to a slow cooker and simmer on low the heat for 2 hours and serve
Cantonese Style Steam Chicken

2 Dried Pork Sausage(腊肠)
2 Dried Mushroom, soaked till soft
2 Slices Of Ginger, cut into strips
5 Thick Slices Of Carrot
2 Chicken Drumsticks
1 Small Chilli
1/2 Teaspoon Light Soy Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Oyster Sauce
1 Teaspoon Cornflour
1/4 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
1. Cut the sausages and mushrooms into thin slices.
2. Cut the carrots into long strips like fries.
3. Wash and cut the chicken into pieces then marinate it with seasonings for at least 20 minutes.
4. Place all the ingredients on a plate and mixed well then steam for about 20 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
5. Sprinkler with some cut chillies slices and extra sesame oil and served hot.
Steam Loofah In Two Flavour

1 Big Loofah(丝瓜)
150g Pork Mince
1 Tablespoon Dried Shrimps, soaked and finely diced
2 Medium Mushroom, soaked and finely diced
1 Teaspoon Minced Garlic
1 Tablespoon Minced Carrot
150g Squid Paste
1 Teaspoon Of Black Flossy Moss(发菜)
Some Cornflour For Dusting
1/2 Teaspoon Of Light Soy Sauce
1/4 Teaspoon Of Cornflour
1. Wash Loofah, removed the skin and cut into diagonal section. Scoop out the seeds and let it be hollow then dust with some cornflour.
2. Mixed pork minced, dried shrimps, mushroom, garlic and seasoning together to form a paste.
3. Stuff pork mixture to half of the Loofah sections then sprinkler some diced carrot on top.
4. Wash and soaked Black Flossy Moss until soft then mixed into the squid paste with 1/4 Teaspoon of cornflour and stir till it became well mixed thru.
5. Stuff the squid paste to the rest of the Loofah sections and steam for 7-10 minutes or until cooked through.
6. Removed and placed the Loofah on another plate, heat up the sauce and thicken it with some cornflour mixture and served hot
Steam Pork Shoulder With Black Bean Sauce

300g - 350g Pork Shoulder(妃子骨)
1 Teaspoon Sliced Shallot(小红葱头)
1 Teaspoon Minced Garlic
1 Teaspoon Minced Ginger
1 Teaspoon Minced Chillies
1 Teaspoon Chopped Spring Onion(青葱)
1/2 Teaspoon Fermented Black Beans
1 Teaspoon Oyster Sauce
1/4 Teaspoon cornflour
1. Wash pork shoulder and drain.
2. Preheat the pan with 1 teaspoon of oil, stir-fry the shallot until fragrant and slightly brown then removed and set aside.
3. Marinate the pork shoulder with dried shallot, minced garlic, minced ginger, chilli, spring onion and seasoning for at least 20 minutes to an hour.(you can drizzle a bit cool shallot oil together with the mixture for a nice fragrant when steaming)
4. Steam the pork shoulder mixture on medium heat for about 10 - 12 minutes or until meat is tender.
5. Remove from heat and sprinkler with some extra chopped spring onion and chillies.
Notes: If you find it too troublesome to fry the shallot, you can used those ready fried dried shallot from supermarket
Stew Preserved Cabbage With Pork Belly(梅菜扣肉

300g Fatty Pork Belly/烧肉
100g Preserved Cabbage(梅菜干)
1/2 Tablespoon Minced Garlic
1/2 Tablespoon Dark Soy Sauce
1/2 Tablespoon Cooking Wine
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1 Slice Ginger
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Dark Soy Sauce
1/2 Tablespoon Cooking Wine
Seasoning(mixed well):
3 Cups Water
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Tablespoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Dark Soy Sauce
1. Remove the hairs from pork belly, rinse and cook in boiling water for 1/2 hour.
2. Spread dark soy sauce on the skin of pork belly then punch with bamboo stick for the sauce to get into the meat and rest for 5 minutes.
3. Deep-fry it in boiling oil until golden brown, soak in cold water for 15 minutes then cut into pieces and wipe dry then marinate it.
4. Soak preserved cabbage in water for about 10-15 minutes and change the water a few times.
5. Rinse and squeeze out water then chop it finely and mix with 2 Tablespoons sugar then set aside.
6. Heat oil in the pan, stir-fry ginger and garlic till fragrant then add in cabbage and pork belly.
7. Pour in wine then add seasoning when it come to boil, transfer it to thermo pot and let it continue to cook for 1-2 hrs before serving.
Notes: If you find the steps of preparing the pork belly very troublesome, you can replace it with shao rou(烧肉) and starts from steps 4 onwards.
If you don't have a thermo pot then you can pour it in a bowl or plate then wrap with foil then steam over medium heat for about 1 to 2 hours until the meat is tender
1 Bunch Of Watercress(西洋菜)
2 Chicken Drumsticks
4 Red Dates(红枣)
5-6 Dried Long Gan(龙眼干)
1 Teaspoon JiZi(杞子)
3 Dried Figs(无花果)
1/2 Tablespoon Sweet & Bitter Almond(南北杏)
1. Cut the Stalk Off from the Watercress and soak the leaves for about 5 minutes by changing two or three times of the water to rinse away all the dirts.
2. Rinse the stalk throughly then set aside for later used.
3. Wash, remove the skin and blanched the chicken drumsticks then rinse with water.
4. Bring a pot of water to boil, then add in the chicken, watercres stalk and all the herbs and bring to boil.
5. When boiled, turn to lower heat and simmer for about 20 minutes then add in the leaves and continue to simmer for another 10-15 minutes
1 Salmon Fillet(abt 200-300g), Cut Into Pieces
Salt & Pepper
1 Teaspoon cooking wine
3-5 Tablespoon Cornflour
Some Shredded Carrot & Cabbage
Oil For Deep Frying
3 Tablespoons Rice Vinegar
2 Tablespoon Light Soya Sauce
2 Tablespoon Mirin
1 Tablespoon Sake/1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Of Cornflour
2 Small Dried Chillies/Pepper Flakes (cut the chilli into thin slices)
1. Marinade salmon pieces with some salt & pepper and cooking wine.
2. Put cornflour into a plastic bag and add the fish pieces into the bag.
3. Leave some air and shake the bag to coat all the fish pieces.
4. Deep-fry the fish pieces till golden brown.
5. While waiting for the fish pieces to cook, mix all the ingredients for the sauce except for the chillies.
6. Preheat a pan with 1 teaspoon of oil then stir-fry the chillies flakes for a few second then add in the sauce, switch it off when sauce come to boil.
7. Once fish is cooked, drain and immediately put the fish pieces into the sauce and toss it to coat then served ontop of some shredded carrots and cabbages
Sapodilla which is also call the "人参果" or "Chiku".Clear The Lungs and Eliminate Sputum. The ingredients of the soup are:
4 Sapodillas(人参果), get those that are just ripe for eaten
900g Papaya, slightly green not too ripe
1 Tablespoon Qi Zi(杞子)
4 Candided Dates(蜜枣)
3-4 Red Dates(红枣)
$3-$5 Of Lean Pork/Pork Ribs
1. Wash sapodilla and cut into pieces(optional or you can just cut into half).
2. Peel and deseed papaya, was and cut into thick pieces.
3. Wash lean pork or ribs then blanched in hot water and wash.
4. Bring suitable amount of water to boil then add in all the ingredients and bring to boil then transfer to slow cooker and simmer on low heat for about 2hrs.
Notes: This soup is towards the sweet side so you need not season it unless you wish to season with some saltBecaused the Sapodilla that I bought was not really very ripe so when I used it to make this soup it seems to have all those sticky and white juice appears that make the soup turn slightly milky in colour. But overall, this soup taste very nice and refreshing... to my family it taste sort of like Papaya Milk......... And I think it might not be suitable for having it with rice if you don't prefer a sweet soup
150g Pork Mince
50g Salted Fish, chopped into small pieces
1 Tube Silken Doufu
Some Spring Onion
Seasoning For Mince:
2 Teaspoons Of Water
1 Teaspoon Cornflour
1/2 Teaspoon Dark Soy Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Light Soy Sauce
Some Pepper & Sesame Oil
1. Add the chopped salted fish into the marinate the pork mince and stir well the keep refridge for at least 30 minutes or more.
2. Before steaming, cut the doufu into about 1cm height cube then sprinkler some cornflour on it the top with some marinated pork mince.
3. Steam on Medium High heat for about 10-15 minutes depending on the thickness of the meat.
4. When done, sprinkler some spring onion and serve hot.
Huai Shan: which tastes sweet and nourishes the lungs and kidneys, strengthens the spleen, stops diarrhea, uplifts the spirit and benefits Qi. And according to her, this soup also helps to improve the appetite of young children and adults during hot weather. You can add about 2 slices of BeiQi: Strengthens the Heart, promotes urination, lowers blood pressure and boosts the immune system.
300g Of Pork Ribs(软骨)
1 Medium Piece of Fresh Lotus(连藕)
1 Fresh Huai Shan(淮山), around 15-20cm long
4-5 Red Dates(红枣)
1-2 Stalk Dang Sheng(当参), cut into 1"
1 Teaspoon Ji Zi(杞子)
1. Wash and trim off the fats from the pork ribs then blanched in hot water and rinse well.
2. Next boil a pot of water around 1.5 litres then add in all the ingredients, except for the Huai Shan and bring it to boil then simmer for about 25 minutes.
3. Add in the fresh huai shan only before you want to drink the soup and let it come to boil and switch off the heat.
4. Season with salt or stock cubes then serve hot.
Notes: If you can't find fresh huai shan, you can replace it with those dried type. Used about 5-6 pieces.
Ingredients: (serves 2)
Half Chicken/5 Chicken Wings/4 Drumsticks
4 Red Dates(红枣)
2 Black Dates, optional(黑枣)
1 Teaspoon Of Gou Ji Zi(杞子)
3-4 Slices of Dang Gu(当归)
1 - 2 Stalks Of Dang Sheng(当参), cut into 1" long
2 Slices Of Huai Shan(淮山)
1 Slice Of Bei Qi
A few Slices Of Yu Zhu(玉竹)
1 Teaspoon Of Sesame Oil
1 Teaspoon Of Dark Soy Sauce
150ml Water/Rice Wine
1.5 Tablespoon Of Oyster Sauce
1. Put all the herbs in a plate or bowl then rinse with water and drained then set aside for later use.
2. Wash and pat dry the chicken the rub it evenly with 1 or 1/2 Teaspoon Of Salt and 1 teaspoon of ginger juice.
3. Get ready a sheet of aluminum Foil and place it ontop of a plate then spread some herbs on it then top with the chicken then herbs.
4. Mixed all the sauce mixture together then pour it over the chicken.(If using those traditional rice wine then no need to include the oyster sauce).
5. Wrap up the chicken nicely like a parcel form then place it on the plate then place in the steam and steam for about 20 minutes, removed, open the parcel and turn the chicken pieces so that it will coat with the sauce then re-wrapped it again and steam for a further 10-15 minutes until the chicken is cooked thru.
Notes: If you are using those small spring chicken, then you might need to increase the amount of herbs by twice/triple as well as the sauce so that the chicken will be absorbing the sauce from those herbs.
I found that using those traditional rice wine to make the sauce, the chicken will taste much more better and sweeter maybe because of the wine itself..
Herbal Watercress Soup

1 Bunch Of Watercress(西洋菜)
2 Chicken Drumsticks
4 Red Dates(红枣)
5-6 Dried Long Gan(龙眼干)
1 Teaspoon JiZi(杞子)
3 Dried Figs(无花果)
1/2 Tablespoon Sweet & Bitter Almond(南北杏)
1. Cut the Stalk Off from the Watercress and soak the leaves for about 5 minutes by changing two or three times of the water to rinse away all the dirts.
2. Rinse the stalk throughly then set aside for later used.
3. Wash, remove the skin and blanched the chicken drumsticks then rinse with water.
4. Bring a pot of water to boil, then add in the chicken, watercres stalk and all the herbs and bring to boil.
5. When boiled, turn to lower heat and simmer for about 20 minutes then add in the leaves and continue to simmer for another 10-15 minutes
Deep-Fry Salmon With Special Sauce

1 Salmon Fillet(abt 200-300g), Cut Into Pieces
Salt & Pepper
1 Teaspoon cooking wine
3-5 Tablespoon Cornflour
Some Shredded Carrot & Cabbage
Oil For Deep Frying
3 Tablespoons Rice Vinegar
2 Tablespoon Light Soya Sauce
2 Tablespoon Mirin
1 Tablespoon Sake/1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Of Cornflour
2 Small Dried Chillies/Pepper Flakes (cut the chilli into thin slices)
1. Marinade salmon pieces with some salt & pepper and cooking wine.
2. Put cornflour into a plastic bag and add the fish pieces into the bag.
3. Leave some air and shake the bag to coat all the fish pieces.
4. Deep-fry the fish pieces till golden brown.
5. While waiting for the fish pieces to cook, mix all the ingredients for the sauce except for the chillies.
6. Preheat a pan with 1 teaspoon of oil then stir-fry the chillies flakes for a few second then add in the sauce, switch it off when sauce come to boil.
7. Once fish is cooked, drain and immediately put the fish pieces into the sauce and toss it to coat then served ontop of some shredded carrots and cabbages
Sapodilla, Qi Zi & Papaya Soup

4 Sapodillas(人参果), get those that are just ripe for eaten
900g Papaya, slightly green not too ripe
1 Tablespoon Qi Zi(杞子)
4 Candided Dates(蜜枣)
3-4 Red Dates(红枣)
$3-$5 Of Lean Pork/Pork Ribs
1. Wash sapodilla and cut into pieces(optional or you can just cut into half).
2. Peel and deseed papaya, was and cut into thick pieces.
3. Wash lean pork or ribs then blanched in hot water and wash.
4. Bring suitable amount of water to boil then add in all the ingredients and bring to boil then transfer to slow cooker and simmer on low heat for about 2hrs.
Notes: This soup is towards the sweet side so you need not season it unless you wish to season with some saltBecaused the Sapodilla that I bought was not really very ripe so when I used it to make this soup it seems to have all those sticky and white juice appears that make the soup turn slightly milky in colour. But overall, this soup taste very nice and refreshing... to my family it taste sort of like Papaya Milk......... And I think it might not be suitable for having it with rice if you don't prefer a sweet soup
Steam Pork Mince With Salted Fish

150g Pork Mince
50g Salted Fish, chopped into small pieces
1 Tube Silken Doufu
Some Spring Onion
Seasoning For Mince:
2 Teaspoons Of Water
1 Teaspoon Cornflour
1/2 Teaspoon Dark Soy Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Light Soy Sauce
Some Pepper & Sesame Oil
1. Add the chopped salted fish into the marinate the pork mince and stir well the keep refridge for at least 30 minutes or more.
2. Before steaming, cut the doufu into about 1cm height cube then sprinkler some cornflour on it the top with some marinated pork mince.
3. Steam on Medium High heat for about 10-15 minutes depending on the thickness of the meat.
4. When done, sprinkler some spring onion and serve hot.
Lotus, Huai Shan & Pork Ribs Soup

300g Of Pork Ribs(软骨)
1 Medium Piece of Fresh Lotus(连藕)
1 Fresh Huai Shan(淮山), around 15-20cm long
4-5 Red Dates(红枣)
1-2 Stalk Dang Sheng(当参), cut into 1"
1 Teaspoon Ji Zi(杞子)
1. Wash and trim off the fats from the pork ribs then blanched in hot water and rinse well.
2. Next boil a pot of water around 1.5 litres then add in all the ingredients, except for the Huai Shan and bring it to boil then simmer for about 25 minutes.
3. Add in the fresh huai shan only before you want to drink the soup and let it come to boil and switch off the heat.
4. Season with salt or stock cubes then serve hot.
Notes: If you can't find fresh huai shan, you can replace it with those dried type. Used about 5-6 pieces.
Steam Herbal Chicken

Ingredients: (serves 2)
Half Chicken/5 Chicken Wings/4 Drumsticks
4 Red Dates(红枣)
2 Black Dates, optional(黑枣)
1 Teaspoon Of Gou Ji Zi(杞子)
3-4 Slices of Dang Gu(当归)
1 - 2 Stalks Of Dang Sheng(当参), cut into 1" long
2 Slices Of Huai Shan(淮山)
1 Slice Of Bei Qi
A few Slices Of Yu Zhu(玉竹)
1 Teaspoon Of Sesame Oil
1 Teaspoon Of Dark Soy Sauce
150ml Water/Rice Wine
1.5 Tablespoon Of Oyster Sauce
1. Put all the herbs in a plate or bowl then rinse with water and drained then set aside for later use.
2. Wash and pat dry the chicken the rub it evenly with 1 or 1/2 Teaspoon Of Salt and 1 teaspoon of ginger juice.
3. Get ready a sheet of aluminum Foil and place it ontop of a plate then spread some herbs on it then top with the chicken then herbs.
4. Mixed all the sauce mixture together then pour it over the chicken.(If using those traditional rice wine then no need to include the oyster sauce).
5. Wrap up the chicken nicely like a parcel form then place it on the plate then place in the steam and steam for about 20 minutes, removed, open the parcel and turn the chicken pieces so that it will coat with the sauce then re-wrapped it again and steam for a further 10-15 minutes until the chicken is cooked thru.
Notes: If you are using those small spring chicken, then you might need to increase the amount of herbs by twice/triple as well as the sauce so that the chicken will be absorbing the sauce from those herbs.
I found that using those traditional rice wine to make the sauce, the chicken will taste much more better and sweeter maybe because of the wine itself..
Claypot Chicken With Salted Fish

700g Chicken, cut into bitesize pieces
700g Chicken, cut into bitesize pieces
50g Salted Fish Cut Into Small Pieces
5 Dried Chillies, soaked for a while in hot water to soften
3 Slices Of Ginger
1 Onion Cut Into Wedges
2 Stalks Of Spring Onions, cut into sections
1 Tablespoon Hua Tiao Jiu
120ml Water
1 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
½ Tablespoon Oyster Sauce
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Dark Soy Sauce
1. Heat up about 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok and sauté ginger slices, dried chillies and salted fish pieces until fragrant.
1. Heat up about 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok and sauté ginger slices, dried chillies and salted fish pieces until fragrant.
2. Add in onion and chicken and stir-fry until aromatic. Pour in water and seasoning.
3. Bring to a boil then covered, lower the heat and simmer for about 3 minutes.
4. Heat up the claypot, stir-fry the spring onion with 1 Tablespoon hot oil.
5. Transfer the simmered chicken and gravy into the claypot.
6. Splash in Chinese cooking wine and bring back to boil.
7. Dish up and serve hot. Garnish with some spring onion before serving.
300g Prawns
150g Vermicelli ("tanghoon")
800ml/4 Cups Chicken Stock
1 Bulb Garlic
10-15 Sprigs of Chinese Parsley
1 White Onion, finely sliced
2 Teaspoons Sugar
1 Tablespoon Light Soya Sauce
1 Tablespoon Dark Soya Sauce
1. Preheat oven for 200 degrees C. Boil the chicken stock in a small pot.
2.Throw the vermicelli in when stock is boiling. Cook for a few minutes then turn off the fire and let the vermicelli soak in the stock.
3. In the meantime, remove the roots of the chinese parsley and chop the stems finely.
4. Unpeel the garlic and break into cloves. Blitz the chopped parsley stems and garlic in a grinder/food processor till fine.
5. Heat some oil in a wok. Fry the garlic and parsley mixture till fragant.
6. Add the sliced onions and fry till slightly soft. Then, add the vermicelli, sugar and soya sauces.
7. Mix thoroughly for a few minutes. (Now see if you can resist tasting the vermicelli - it is addictive!)
8. Put the lovely fragrant vermicelli into a claypot or a baking tray. Place the prawns on top and cover.
9. Bake in oven for 15-20 mins or until the prawns are done.*** When done, sprinkle some parsley leaves on top and serve immediately
1 - 2 Mud Crab, depending on the size
300g Glutinous Rice
3 Dried Black Mushrooms
30g Dried Shrimps
1 Shallot(sliced)
1 Stalk Spring Onion, cut into sections
3 Slices Of Ginger
1 Teaspoon Light Soy Sauce
2 Teaspoons Dark Soy Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
3 Tablespoons Water
1. Wash Glutinous Rice, soak in water overnight, drain and put into stainless steel steaming tray and steam for 1/2 hour over high heat and keep warm.
2. Soak black mushrooms until soft, remove the stems and dices. Wash and dice dried shrimps.
3. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in wok, stir fry shallot until fragrant, add mushrooms and dried shrimps then stir-fry well and pour in seasoning then bring to boil.
4. Pour the seasoning into the glutinous rice and stir well, then put into a bamboo steamer and keep warm.
5. Gut the crabs, wash and cut into large pieces and arrange the crab over the rice with some spring onion and ginger slices then top with the shell and steam on high heat for 10 minutes.
6. Served hot
300g Pork Ribs
150g Groundnuts
80g Red Kidney Beans
400g Pumpkins
4 Red Dates
1 Teaspoon Salt, optional
1. Blanched pork ribs in boiling water and then rinse to get rid of any strong smell.
2. Blanched groundnuts and red kidney beans in boiling water then soak with some water for about 20minutes.
3. Peel pumpkin and cut into big pieces.
4. Boil 1.5 litres of water is a pot, put pork ribs, red dates, groundnuts and red kidney bean into it an bring to boil.
5. Transfer to a slow cooker and cook on low heat for about 1 hr then add in the pumpkin and cook for another 1 hour then served.
6. Or you can cook on stove on low heat for 30 minutes then add in the pumpkin and continue simmer for another 30 minutes
3-4 Stalks of Baby Leek - "蒜", thinly slice diagonally
1/2 Carrot, Shredded
300g Of Shen Yu Fish Fillets - 生鱼片
Seasoning Sauce:
1 Tablespoon Oyster Sauce
50-70ml Water Or Chicken Stock
1. Season the fish fillet with some pepper, light soy sauce, sesame oil, cooking wine and cornflour then marinate it for about 15-20 minutes.
2. Preheat the pan with some oil then pan-fry the fish until both side are golden brown.
3. Remove the fish and set aside for later used.
4. Next add in the baby leek and stir-fry until fragrant then add in the carrot and some cooking wine and continue to stir-fry for a few minutes.
5. Next add in the seasoning sauce and the fish then gently stir until well mixed.
6. Dish up and serve hot with rice
1 Medium Piece of Salmon Fillet
A few Slices of Lemon
1 Teaspoon Of Olive Oil
Dash Of Black Pepper and Salt
1. Wash and pat dry the salmon fillet then lay it in the middle of the foil and season it with oil, pepper and salt then top of a few slices of lemon.
2. Wrap it up and baked in the toaster for around 10 minutes then unwrapped and baked for another 10-15 minutes depending on the thickness.
Lemon Butter Sauce:
100ml Whipped Cream/Pure Cream
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
70g Butter. cubes
Some Finely Grated Lemon Rinds
1. Pour the cream, lemon rinds and juice in a small pan then bring it to almost boil then simmer for about 10 minutes until the sauce reduce to half.
2. Stir on and off to prevent it from getting burnt.
3. When the sauce is thicken and reduced to half, off the heat and remove the pan away from the stove and whisk it the butter in a few batches.
4. If the sauce get too cold for the butter to melt, return to the stove again.
5. Stir until all the butter and cream is well combined then drizzle on the baked salmon or served as dipping sauce.
12 Chicken Wings, wings part and debone
1/2 - 3/4 Cup of Glutinous Rice, soak for at least 3 hrs
2 Mushroom, soak and finely diced
1/4 Carrot, finely diced
1 - 2 Shallots, finely diced
1 Stalk Spring Onion, finely diced
1.5 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Five Spices Powder
Dash Of Sesame Oil
70 - 100ml Water, used the water from the mushroom
1. Heat up the pan with some oil, stir-fry the shallots until fragrant then add in the mushroom then fry for a minute then pour in the glutinous rice and carrots.
2. Give it a quick stir for half a minute then add in the seasoning except the sesame oil.
3. Stir for another minute until the seasonings is well mix thru then dish up onto the plate or bamboo basket then steam for about 40 minutes or until the rice is soft and tender.
4. When the rice is done, dish up and stir in the spring onion, sesame oil, some extra pepper and light soy sauce to taste.
5. When the filling is slightly cool, stuff it into the chicken wing pocket then coat with some beaten egg and corn flour then deep-fry until golden brown and served.
Steps To Dedone Chicken Wings:
1. Debone the chicken wings by bending backwards the joint between the drumstick and wing to loosen the tendons.
2. Then cut a ring around the top part of the drumstick and using a sharp knife, slowly scrape down against the bone to loosen the meat from the drumstick.
3. Always pushing back the skin as you scrape.
4. Now proceed to do that for the wing by first cutting off the bone of the drumstick and continue scraping down to the second joint, pushing back the skin and meat as you go.
5. Then carefully cut off the two bones of the wing and discard them.
6. Be careful not to pierce the chicken skin.
7. Repeat this for all the wings.
8. Now the chicken wings are ready for stuffing.
Notes: Marinated the chicken wing with some cornflour, pepper and light soy sauce for at least 30 minutes before stuffing in the glutinous rice
Perilla(紫苏/大叶) i
300g Chicken Fillets
100g Small Asparagus or Carrot, cut into long strips
10 Perilla(紫苏/大叶) Leaves
1 Packet Lee Kum Kee Terriyaki Sauce
Ground White Pepper
1. Rinse chicken fillet, pat dry and sprinkle ground white pepper on it.
2. Cut each small asparagus into 3 short lengths or carrot cut into long strips. Then blanch them in hot water until tender and drain in tap water.
3. Lay chicken fillet flat, arrange perilla leaves and a section of asparagus/carrot on each chicken fillet.
4. Roll up and fix the open end with a toothpick.
5. Heat oil in pan and fry chicken rolls until cooked or golden brown.
6. Pour in half packet to 3/4 packet of Terriyaki Sauce with 2-3 tablespoon water and let the chicken roll absorb the favour for a minute then serve.
You can used Japanese Eel Sauce instead of Terriyaki Sauce.
To us, the taste of the Perilla Leaves is sort of like Lemon Grass. It's indeed a very interesting dish to try on.
500g Pork Chop Fillet, ard 8-10 pieces
2 Tablespoons White Sesame Seeds
1/2 to 3/4 Lemon Juice
1 Egg, beaten
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Tablespoon Soya Sauce
1 Tablespoon Cornflour
1.5 Tablespoons Tomato Sauce
1/4 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
1/2 Teaspoon Soy Sauce
1 Tablespoon Sugar
2 Teaspoon Instant Coffee Powder
1. Wash the pork fillet, put in a bowl and pour in beaten egg and seasonings and marinate for at least 30 minutes.
2. Wash and cut the lemon into halve then squeeze out the juice and set aside.
3. Preheat a pan and stir-fry the sesame seeds until fragrant or abit golden brown then dish up and set aside.
4. Preheat oil then deep-fry pork fillet until golden brown and drained.
5. Heat up a pan with 1 tablespoon oil, add in Tomato sauce and stir till fragrant then add in the rest of the sauce ingredients and lemon juice, stir till well combined.
6. When the sauce boiled, add in pork fillet, simmer in low heat until all sauce dry up then sprinkler the white sesame seeds.
1 Piece Of Cod Fish Fillet, about 300g
3-4 Fresh Mushrooms, cut into slices
3 Slices Ginger, finely shredded
1 Stalk Spring Onion, shredded
1 Red Chilly, deseed and shredded
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 Tablespoon Rice Wine
1. Rinse cod fillet, place on plate, coat evenly with salt and rice wine then marinate for 10 minutes.
2. Rinse mushroom and remove stems, blanch in hot water, removed and dry.
3. Place some spring onion on the place, then top with the fish and arrange the mushroom on the size of the fillet, put into steamer and steam for about 10 minutes.(the timing depend on the size and thickness of the fillet, it might required more or less than 10 minutes)
4. Top some spring onion on the cooked fish, preheat a small pan with 1 tablespoon of oil.
5. Add in the shredded ginger and chillies in it and stir till fragrant then drizzle over the spring onion on the fish and serve.
You can also stir-fry a restaurant style Broccoli Dish by adding some Fresh Prawns, Mushrooms and Nuts. The purpose of adding Nuts is to make the dish more crunchy and give it a nutty favour. You can used those small packet of roasted cashew nuts. Add it in on the very last then thicken the sauce and serve
罗汉果: Tastes sweet and of cool nature, it clears Heat, treats coughing and nourishes the intestine. While 玉竹: Nourishes Ying, moistens internal Dryness, stimulates silva and quenches thirst. It heals coughing, treats bothersome thirsty, clears the internal Heat that harms Ying as well as Dryness and pain the throat.
1 Small Chicken, abt 1-1.2kg
2 Luo Han Guo(罗汉果 ), removed shell
8 Red Dates(红枣)
2 Honey Dates(密枣)
4 Stalks Dang Sheng(当参), cut into slices
1/2 Tablespoon Gou Ji Zi(杞子)
10-15g Yu Zhu(玉竹)
1 Tablespoon Honey
Few Stalks Spring Onion
Garnish & Sauce:
2 Slices Ginger, shredded
1 Stalk Spring Onion, shredded
1 Chilly, deseed and shredded
1/2 Cup Water or Chicken Stock
1 1/2 Tablespoon Cornflour Water
1. Wash, removed any extra fat and pat dry the chicken then set aside for later use.
2. Rinse all the dry herb ingredients except Luo Han Guo then stuff all the ingredients into the stomach of the chicken.(If can't stuff all just spread some outside the chicken)
3. Rub the outer skin of the chicken with honey to keep it moist while steaming.
4. Put a few stalks of spring onion on the foil and place the chicken on top of it.
5. Wrap the chicken tightly and steam over medium heat for about 1 hour to 1.5 hour depend on the size of the chicken.
6. Remove the chicken and cut it into smaller pieces or half.
7. Preheat a pan with 1 teaspoon of oil then add in ginger and chilly, stir-fry it till fragrant.
8. Pour in 1/2 chicken stock then follow by the sauce from the steam chicken.
9. When the mixture come to boil, add in the cornflour water to thicken the sauce.
10. Pour the sauce over the chicken and garnish with some spring onion and served with rice.
I used those electric steamer and I steam it for about 1.5 hrs.
The taste of the chicken is sort of like the Luo Han Guo herbal tea, very nice and refreshing.
Baked Prawns With Dong Fen

300g Prawns
150g Vermicelli ("tanghoon")
800ml/4 Cups Chicken Stock
1 Bulb Garlic
10-15 Sprigs of Chinese Parsley
1 White Onion, finely sliced
2 Teaspoons Sugar
1 Tablespoon Light Soya Sauce
1 Tablespoon Dark Soya Sauce
1. Preheat oven for 200 degrees C. Boil the chicken stock in a small pot.
2.Throw the vermicelli in when stock is boiling. Cook for a few minutes then turn off the fire and let the vermicelli soak in the stock.
3. In the meantime, remove the roots of the chinese parsley and chop the stems finely.
4. Unpeel the garlic and break into cloves. Blitz the chopped parsley stems and garlic in a grinder/food processor till fine.
5. Heat some oil in a wok. Fry the garlic and parsley mixture till fragant.
6. Add the sliced onions and fry till slightly soft. Then, add the vermicelli, sugar and soya sauces.
7. Mix thoroughly for a few minutes. (Now see if you can resist tasting the vermicelli - it is addictive!)
8. Put the lovely fragrant vermicelli into a claypot or a baking tray. Place the prawns on top and cover.
9. Bake in oven for 15-20 mins or until the prawns are done.*** When done, sprinkle some parsley leaves on top and serve immediately
Steamed Crab With Glutinous Rice

1 - 2 Mud Crab, depending on the size
300g Glutinous Rice
3 Dried Black Mushrooms
30g Dried Shrimps
1 Shallot(sliced)
1 Stalk Spring Onion, cut into sections
3 Slices Of Ginger
1 Teaspoon Light Soy Sauce
2 Teaspoons Dark Soy Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
3 Tablespoons Water
1. Wash Glutinous Rice, soak in water overnight, drain and put into stainless steel steaming tray and steam for 1/2 hour over high heat and keep warm.
2. Soak black mushrooms until soft, remove the stems and dices. Wash and dice dried shrimps.
3. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in wok, stir fry shallot until fragrant, add mushrooms and dried shrimps then stir-fry well and pour in seasoning then bring to boil.
4. Pour the seasoning into the glutinous rice and stir well, then put into a bamboo steamer and keep warm.
5. Gut the crabs, wash and cut into large pieces and arrange the crab over the rice with some spring onion and ginger slices then top with the shell and steam on high heat for 10 minutes.
6. Served hot
Pumpkins, Peanuts & Pork Ribs Soup

300g Pork Ribs
150g Groundnuts
80g Red Kidney Beans
400g Pumpkins
4 Red Dates
1 Teaspoon Salt, optional
1. Blanched pork ribs in boiling water and then rinse to get rid of any strong smell.
2. Blanched groundnuts and red kidney beans in boiling water then soak with some water for about 20minutes.
3. Peel pumpkin and cut into big pieces.
4. Boil 1.5 litres of water is a pot, put pork ribs, red dates, groundnuts and red kidney bean into it an bring to boil.
5. Transfer to a slow cooker and cook on low heat for about 1 hr then add in the pumpkin and cook for another 1 hour then served.
6. Or you can cook on stove on low heat for 30 minutes then add in the pumpkin and continue simmer for another 30 minutes
Stir-fry Fish Fillet With Baby Leeks

3-4 Stalks of Baby Leek - "蒜", thinly slice diagonally
1/2 Carrot, Shredded
300g Of Shen Yu Fish Fillets - 生鱼片
Seasoning Sauce:
1 Tablespoon Oyster Sauce
50-70ml Water Or Chicken Stock
1. Season the fish fillet with some pepper, light soy sauce, sesame oil, cooking wine and cornflour then marinate it for about 15-20 minutes.
2. Preheat the pan with some oil then pan-fry the fish until both side are golden brown.
3. Remove the fish and set aside for later used.
4. Next add in the baby leek and stir-fry until fragrant then add in the carrot and some cooking wine and continue to stir-fry for a few minutes.
5. Next add in the seasoning sauce and the fish then gently stir until well mixed.
6. Dish up and serve hot with rice
Baked Salmon With Lemon Butter Sauce

1 Medium Piece of Salmon Fillet
A few Slices of Lemon
1 Teaspoon Of Olive Oil
Dash Of Black Pepper and Salt
1. Wash and pat dry the salmon fillet then lay it in the middle of the foil and season it with oil, pepper and salt then top of a few slices of lemon.
2. Wrap it up and baked in the toaster for around 10 minutes then unwrapped and baked for another 10-15 minutes depending on the thickness.
Lemon Butter Sauce:
100ml Whipped Cream/Pure Cream
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
70g Butter. cubes
Some Finely Grated Lemon Rinds
1. Pour the cream, lemon rinds and juice in a small pan then bring it to almost boil then simmer for about 10 minutes until the sauce reduce to half.
2. Stir on and off to prevent it from getting burnt.
3. When the sauce is thicken and reduced to half, off the heat and remove the pan away from the stove and whisk it the butter in a few batches.
4. If the sauce get too cold for the butter to melt, return to the stove again.
5. Stir until all the butter and cream is well combined then drizzle on the baked salmon or served as dipping sauce.
Stuffed Chicken Wings

12 Chicken Wings, wings part and debone
1/2 - 3/4 Cup of Glutinous Rice, soak for at least 3 hrs
2 Mushroom, soak and finely diced
1/4 Carrot, finely diced
1 - 2 Shallots, finely diced
1 Stalk Spring Onion, finely diced
1.5 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Five Spices Powder
Dash Of Sesame Oil
70 - 100ml Water, used the water from the mushroom
1. Heat up the pan with some oil, stir-fry the shallots until fragrant then add in the mushroom then fry for a minute then pour in the glutinous rice and carrots.
2. Give it a quick stir for half a minute then add in the seasoning except the sesame oil.
3. Stir for another minute until the seasonings is well mix thru then dish up onto the plate or bamboo basket then steam for about 40 minutes or until the rice is soft and tender.
4. When the rice is done, dish up and stir in the spring onion, sesame oil, some extra pepper and light soy sauce to taste.
5. When the filling is slightly cool, stuff it into the chicken wing pocket then coat with some beaten egg and corn flour then deep-fry until golden brown and served.
Steps To Dedone Chicken Wings:
1. Debone the chicken wings by bending backwards the joint between the drumstick and wing to loosen the tendons.
2. Then cut a ring around the top part of the drumstick and using a sharp knife, slowly scrape down against the bone to loosen the meat from the drumstick.
3. Always pushing back the skin as you scrape.
4. Now proceed to do that for the wing by first cutting off the bone of the drumstick and continue scraping down to the second joint, pushing back the skin and meat as you go.
5. Then carefully cut off the two bones of the wing and discard them.
6. Be careful not to pierce the chicken skin.
7. Repeat this for all the wings.
8. Now the chicken wings are ready for stuffing.
Notes: Marinated the chicken wing with some cornflour, pepper and light soy sauce for at least 30 minutes before stuffing in the glutinous rice
Perilla Chicken Roll

300g Chicken Fillets
100g Small Asparagus or Carrot, cut into long strips
10 Perilla(紫苏/大叶) Leaves
1 Packet Lee Kum Kee Terriyaki Sauce
Ground White Pepper
1. Rinse chicken fillet, pat dry and sprinkle ground white pepper on it.
2. Cut each small asparagus into 3 short lengths or carrot cut into long strips. Then blanch them in hot water until tender and drain in tap water.
3. Lay chicken fillet flat, arrange perilla leaves and a section of asparagus/carrot on each chicken fillet.
4. Roll up and fix the open end with a toothpick.
5. Heat oil in pan and fry chicken rolls until cooked or golden brown.
6. Pour in half packet to 3/4 packet of Terriyaki Sauce with 2-3 tablespoon water and let the chicken roll absorb the favour for a minute then serve.
You can used Japanese Eel Sauce instead of Terriyaki Sauce.
To us, the taste of the Perilla Leaves is sort of like Lemon Grass. It's indeed a very interesting dish to try on.
Lemon & Coffee Pork Chop

500g Pork Chop Fillet, ard 8-10 pieces
2 Tablespoons White Sesame Seeds
1/2 to 3/4 Lemon Juice
1 Egg, beaten
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Tablespoon Soya Sauce
1 Tablespoon Cornflour
1.5 Tablespoons Tomato Sauce
1/4 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
1/2 Teaspoon Soy Sauce
1 Tablespoon Sugar
2 Teaspoon Instant Coffee Powder
1. Wash the pork fillet, put in a bowl and pour in beaten egg and seasonings and marinate for at least 30 minutes.
2. Wash and cut the lemon into halve then squeeze out the juice and set aside.
3. Preheat a pan and stir-fry the sesame seeds until fragrant or abit golden brown then dish up and set aside.
4. Preheat oil then deep-fry pork fillet until golden brown and drained.
5. Heat up a pan with 1 tablespoon oil, add in Tomato sauce and stir till fragrant then add in the rest of the sauce ingredients and lemon juice, stir till well combined.
6. When the sauce boiled, add in pork fillet, simmer in low heat until all sauce dry up then sprinkler the white sesame seeds.
Steam Cod Fillet With Mushroom

1 Piece Of Cod Fish Fillet, about 300g
3-4 Fresh Mushrooms, cut into slices
3 Slices Ginger, finely shredded
1 Stalk Spring Onion, shredded
1 Red Chilly, deseed and shredded
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 Tablespoon Rice Wine
1. Rinse cod fillet, place on plate, coat evenly with salt and rice wine then marinate for 10 minutes.
2. Rinse mushroom and remove stems, blanch in hot water, removed and dry.
3. Place some spring onion on the place, then top with the fish and arrange the mushroom on the size of the fillet, put into steamer and steam for about 10 minutes.(the timing depend on the size and thickness of the fillet, it might required more or less than 10 minutes)
4. Top some spring onion on the cooked fish, preheat a small pan with 1 tablespoon of oil.
5. Add in the shredded ginger and chillies in it and stir till fragrant then drizzle over the spring onion on the fish and serve.

Steam Luo Han Guo Chicken

1 Small Chicken, abt 1-1.2kg
2 Luo Han Guo(罗汉果 ), removed shell
8 Red Dates(红枣)
2 Honey Dates(密枣)
4 Stalks Dang Sheng(当参), cut into slices
1/2 Tablespoon Gou Ji Zi(杞子)
10-15g Yu Zhu(玉竹)
1 Tablespoon Honey
Few Stalks Spring Onion
Garnish & Sauce:
2 Slices Ginger, shredded
1 Stalk Spring Onion, shredded
1 Chilly, deseed and shredded
1/2 Cup Water or Chicken Stock
1 1/2 Tablespoon Cornflour Water
1. Wash, removed any extra fat and pat dry the chicken then set aside for later use.
2. Rinse all the dry herb ingredients except Luo Han Guo then stuff all the ingredients into the stomach of the chicken.(If can't stuff all just spread some outside the chicken)
3. Rub the outer skin of the chicken with honey to keep it moist while steaming.
4. Put a few stalks of spring onion on the foil and place the chicken on top of it.
5. Wrap the chicken tightly and steam over medium heat for about 1 hour to 1.5 hour depend on the size of the chicken.
6. Remove the chicken and cut it into smaller pieces or half.
7. Preheat a pan with 1 teaspoon of oil then add in ginger and chilly, stir-fry it till fragrant.
8. Pour in 1/2 chicken stock then follow by the sauce from the steam chicken.
9. When the mixture come to boil, add in the cornflour water to thicken the sauce.
10. Pour the sauce over the chicken and garnish with some spring onion and served with rice.
I used those electric steamer and I steam it for about 1.5 hrs.
The taste of the chicken is sort of like the Luo Han Guo herbal tea, very nice and refreshing.
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